javascript - RadGrid with doubleclick and click behaviour -

I have a scenario in which there is a master and a separate extension grid, double click on the master should open an editing form. The selected row should be replaced by a single click and the expansion grid must be rebooted.

The master grid has the following client events:

  var is change, input, dropdown, edited road; Var is DoubleClick = false; Var clickhandler = null; Var Clicked Data = Faucet; FunctionRocalHoofsSenario (Sender, Args) {ClickedDataKey = args._dataKeyValues.Id; IsDoubleClick = false; If (clickhandler) {window.clearTimeout (clickhanger); ClickHandler = Faucet; } ClickHandler = window.setTimeout (Actual Clicks (Args), 100); } Function RowDblClickHoofdscenario (Sender, Args) {isDoubleClick = true; If (clickhandler) {window.clearTimeout (clickhanger); ClickHandler = Faucet; } ClickHandler = window.setTimeout (Actual Clicks (Args), 100); } Function actual click (eventArgs) {if (isDoubleClick) {if (editedRow & hashings) {hatchang = false; If (Confirm ("Wijzigingen opslaan?") {$ ("& Lt;% = rgHoofdscenarios.ClientID%>") Get_masterTableView () UpdateItem (editedRow); }} And {editedRow = eventArgs.get_itemIndexHierarchical (); $ Get ("& lt;% = rgHoofdscenarios.ClientID%>") Get_masterTableView () EditItem (editedRow); }} And {** apply refresh here ** (this row was added to the stack overflow;))}}  

How do I apply the selected row change? I have tried an AJAX on Onroon which is selected to reboot the grid of a server in detail but it shows the detailed content of the previous selection.
