java - Using Apache Cassandra In Coldfusion -

I am trying to use ApacheCandra on a project which I am coding using ColdFusion. Since Coldfusion does not have a driver for Apache Cassandra and on the contrary, I am trying to use Cassandra's Java drivers.

I am quite a Java, so please come with me.

I have been able to copy the necessary .jar files to / opt / railo / lib / (I am using Railo) and using the code given below, using ColdFusion also uses Kassandra Has managed to join. When I want to piping through the results given by Cassandra to run a query, I have given my very simple code below:


How do I return the loop through the results? Cfdump Java Method Set ArrayBackedResultSet $ ​​SinglePage. This is not something I can loop if I use coldfusion.

From the "Getting Started with Cassandra and Java" post, I see the code below:

  ResultSet result = Session.execute (Select from * where the user is last Name = 'jones'); (row row: result) {System.out.format ("% s% d \ n", line.getstring ("first name"), line.gateInt ("age")); }  

How can I replicate the above mentioned in Coldfusion?

Many thanks for taking your time to help.

  1. Download the JDBC driver here. It works with the latest version of Cassandra (at the time of writing)

  2. Cassandra JDBC Be sure to download dependencies too

  3. Jar files

  4. Restart ColdFusion / Rail

  5. Type a data source "Other"

  6. For driver class, enter " org.apache.cassandra.cql.jdbc.CassandraDriver "

  7. < Li>

    The connection string should be " jdbc: cassandra: // host1 - host2 - host3: 9160 / keyspace1? PrimaryDisi = DC1 and backupdc = DC2 and stability = QUORUM "

  8. This is it! You can now test Cassandra as a query of another database

  9. I was able to work directly to the Java driver and the performance of the JDBC driver was better than directly calling the Java driver directly. There was a very simple table with the use of java directly while using jdbc driver 50 mms for connecting to c.

    Thanks for Leigh and a Kruger mark for tip!
