ios - Adding UI elements to a PFQueryTableViewController/UITableViewController? -

I was curious about this thing that if I do a PFQueryTableViewController cells or table here No) For example, I am currently adding my search bar programmatically to the top of my table view. I'm with the issue, when the user scrolls Teblwuls is heading with it, and I want it to stick, I know that I use the UIViewController to UITableView full easily create it with me, but I was wondering whether there PFQueryTableViewController (sub-class) in table view is a way of adding up the UITableViewController I believe That if i am not in the total number Am?), Or to stick the header?

Here's how to add my PFQueryTableViewController with me looking at my current I Drishydidlod :

  UITableViewController * searchResultsController = [[UITableViewController alloc ] InitWithStyle: UITableViewStylePlain]; SearchResultsController.tableView.dataSource = self; SearchResultsController.tableView.delegate = self; Selfksearchkantrolr = [[Uisearchkantrolr light] Initvitsearchresultskantrolr: Searchresultskantrolr]; [[UISearchBar presence] setBackgroundColor: [UIColor clearColor]]; Auto.searchController.searchResultsUpdater = self; Selfksearchkantrolrksrcbarkfrem = Kgrektmke (Selfksearchkantrolrksrcbarkfremkorijinkksh, Selfksearchkantrolrksrcbarkfremkorijinky, Selfksearchkantrolrksrcbarkfremksaijkvidth, 44.0); Self.tableView.tableHeaderView = self.searchController.searchBar; Self.definesPresentationContext = Yes; [Self SeekController.searchBar sets the owner: @ "What are you looking for?"];  
