Facebook showing ALL friends when I thought terms had changed? -

I was under the impression Facebook, gave only a list of friends who used a certain app.

In fact, in this case, I want all the FB users to return to all the users I test with.

I am using fields = installed but it does not seem to differ.

I'm using the code here, what's the way to show the friends of users who use the app?

  $ fb_user = $ mysqli-> Real_escape_string ($ _ request ['user']); $ Facebook = new Facebook (array ('appId' = & gt; $ API, 'secret' = & gt; $ secret)); // to access tokens $ facebook-> SetExtendedAccessToken (); $ Access_token = $ facebook- & gt; GetAccessToken (); $ FbFriends = 'https://graph.facebook.com/' Fribro_User '/ Friendship field ====== && access_token ='. $ Access_token; $ FriendsList = json_decode (file_get_contents ($ fbFriends), true); You're probably using an old app (created before the end of April 2014). Just create a new one and you will find only friends who are also using the app. It will still work to get all the friends of the old app by the end of April 2015. 

For the old app, you will still get all the friends from your phone, but the result should be "installed" area, according to this thread:
