No visible @interface for 'NSThread' declares the selector 'start' -

OK, so I've done it for about 2 hours.

I can get the following lines of code to run in the simulator, but I'm not able to compile it on the device and I do not know why.

I'm getting the 'compiled' error 'NSThread' is not visible to a 'selector declares' start'. Error occurs on [T start];

Here is the code:

  @interface FMTHYITE: NSOBEZ {@ Private Nscdition * Waiting; } @property (copy) zero (^ block) (zero); + (Zero) run instepetrade: (zero (^) (zero)) block; @end @implementation FMThread + (zero) run Inspiratthread: (zero (^) (zero)) block {fmtrread * thread = [[fmtrad alloc] init]; Thread Block = block; Thread-> Wait times = [[NScondition light] init]; [Thread-> waiting condition lock]; NSThread * t = [[NSThread alloc] initWithTarget: Thread selector: @sillector (thread main) object: zero]; [T start]; [Thread-> Waiting Waiting]; [Thread-> Waiting unlock]; } - (zero) Threadmen {@autoreleasepool {self.block (); [Waiting broadcast]; }} @end  

Any help would be greatly appreciated I think I am sitting near the trees to see the forest.
