sublimetext - Sublime Text 3 unable to find text that is plainly there -

CMD + F is hitting CMD to find text in SublimeText, I often see something like this:

Enter image details here

Clearly on 'some text' page . Why can not you get sublime?

Note this sometimes works, and sometimes fails. Although I can not distinguish

How do I get the text with reliability goodbye?

I have tried to reproduce this problem with sublime text 2 And I have found this:

  • If you keep the caret before searching for text and hit, the text will be found
  • if you insert the text after the text and then press Find The text will not be will

It seems that in the subtext text 'T wrap by default you can press the arrow icon With can enable toggle buttons ( searches should Second, the tooltip wrap ). Regardless of the state of care, then the search works.
