Makefile using c++ instead of g++ - Why? -

I think there is a problem in making my makefile my C ++ file correctly. My makefile code is down; The name of the file I am trying to compile is "" (which is working and compiled properly).

  cc = g ++ CFLAGS = -g -O2 PROGS = avl all: $ (PROGS) $ @: $ (cc) $ (cflajs) $ @ $ @ cc .phone: clean Clean: RM $ (progs)  

However, when I make the command or all , I

  c ++ -o avl  

and create debugging symbols I should not come from the -g flag same message file (only Changing the PROGS variable) worked for a similar project, so I'm not sure what I'm doing I was wrong. Does anyone have any tips? Thanks!

You do not have a goal for 'avl', so use a default rule.

Try changing the makefile for:

  cc = g ++ CFLAGS = -g -O2 PROGS = avl all: $ (PROGS) $ (PROGS) : $ (CC) $ (CFLAGS) -O $ @ $ @ CC. Phone: Clear: RM $ (Prooges)  
