Change Label to Textbox in VB6 -

I have a support application in VB6. There is a form with all the label fields to show data in it. The requirement transforms all labels into text boxes.

I could not find any source code for all the controls in the form to do this easily. Apart from manually changing each label into text boxes, what is the best option to do this?

You can change it by editing the .frm file for the form and not in the Visual Basic IDE You can use text editor. A simple label looks like this:

  get started VB.Label Label1 BackStyle = 0 'Transparent caption =' Existing design: "height = 255 left = 240 tabindex = 4 head = 120 width = An edit box like 2175 end  


  get started VB.TextBox cardname height = 285 left = 240 tabindex = 0 top = 4320 width = 6375 end  

You can easily change one type of control with another type of search and change it.
