I have a simple iOS app. It includes two toolbars and map views. I only use default libraries (no Cocoa or no etc).
When I debug my app on the real iPhone 5 (iOS 8.1), I found "Unable to allocate render buffer storage! 0x1741f2c00" in my console iPod change orientation (with simulator Not the problem) and the status bar disappears when it changes in landscape and comes back when it paints on actual device and simulator (this is my common problem).
The app subscribes to UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification.
[[UIDEViews current device] is launching device orientation notes]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: Self selector: @Selector (Orientation changed) Name: UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification object: [UIDevice currentDevice]];
But the text appears in the console and the status bar disappears independently of the call
- (zero) orientation has been changed: (NSNotification *) Note {}
Google does not help me I do not use all the links associated with coco library error or some graphics methods.
Sorry for my English Thank you :)
You use obstacles If so, you need to remove them (set in viewDidLoad
if you do not want to touch your storyboard / xib) and then set them in wilotate