ios - xcode tab bar controller change selected item with code -

First of all, I am using Xcode 6 and Objective-C. I want to change the tab bar screen with buttons or how I can do it automatically with the code. I can make another question that this tab bar is not an item of controller.

  - (IBAction) backButton: (ID) Sender {ProfileSide * vc = (ProfileSide *) [[Self. Tabbar controller view controller] object at index: 1]; [Vc.view setNeedsDisplay]; [Viewer selected from self-back controller set: VC]; }  

I tried to run this code but profile is not working Profile name of third item tab bar controller

  ProfileSide * vc1 = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier: @ "meScreen"]; [Self-present ViewController: animated vc1: yes complete: zero];  

Also got this code part, but when I use this one tab bar disappear.

  [self.tabBarController set selectedindex: yourIndex];  
