How to upload file using selenium webdriver for invisible element -

I am unable to upload the file using the WebDrive, please you can help me.

I need to upload the cover letter and resume my mine.

I have tried with code:

  myTestDriver.findElement ( ("uploadcover")). SendKeys ("C: \\ user \\ hasmin \ \ desktop \\ test.doc"); MyTestDriver.findElement ( ("uploadresumeimg")) SendKeys ("C: \\ user \\ hasmin \\ desktop \\ test.doc") ;.  

But this is not working, please give me a solution.

Show invisible elements:

  string js = "logic [0 ] Style = visibility = 'visible'; logic [0]. Style = '1 px'; logic [0] .style.width = '1px'; logic [0] .style.form = 1; "; (Javascript Excerpt driver). Exit Script (JS, AMM);  

From: selenium faq Q: Does WebDriver support file uploads?
