c# - Crystal report not working after setup installed -

I know that there is already some topics related to my problem, but I did'nt get any help from that . I have created a Windows application using C # I created the setup file of that project and installed it in the client system. In addition to crystal reports all is working correctly, please see my error below and guide me if there is some problem in the building setupfile


  Error: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException:. Exception is thrown from the target of an invention ---> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: ', CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms Version = 13.0.2000.0, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = 692fbea5521e1304' Could not load file or assembly or one of its dependencies. The system can not find the file specified. File name: 'CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms, Version = 13.0.2000.0, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = 692fbea5521e1304' LpuDeExam.SeatingPlan.InitializeComponent (on) (on LpuDeExam.SeatingPlan..ctor) WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned off. To enable the assembly to bind failure logging 1. Note the registry value [! HKLM \ Software \ Microsoft \ Fusion EnableLog] (DWORD) Set: Some performance assembly dam failure related to entry is related to penalties. To turn off this feature, the registry value [HKLM \ Software \ Microsoft \ Fusion! EnableLog] - End of Internal Exception Stack Trace --- in the system. Runtime typing handles. Create instance (type runtime type Boolean public bus, Boolean No Cheke, Boolean and Kanbac, Runtimemahandl and Sitioar, Boolean and Biand Security Czech) on the system. Runtime type Create Instant Slow (boolean public only, on system boolean filler) on system. Runtime type Craft instant implements (Boolean public bus, Boolean skip visibility check, Boolean fill cache) on system. Activator On the Create Instance (Type Type, Boolean Non-Public) system. Type Aktivetrkkret Intense (type) on LpuDeExamkMainMenuklistViewl_Click (object sender, Iventaarjis e) --------------------------- OK - ---------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ----------------------------   

If your applications ion is made in 32-bit architecture, please download from this location: otherwise (64-bit) Please use the went the link below:

Link this The discussion arises from:

I hope this will help you solve your problem.
