Spring MVC RequestMapping PathVariable in the first place -

I want to set each user for my profile link. This way:

@RequestMapping (value = "/ {userlogin}", method = RequestMethod.GET) public string page (@PathVariable ("userlogin") string Userlogin, modelMap model) {System.out.println (userlogin); Return "user"; }

But static pages also get this expression .. ..by this way:

  @RequestMapping (value = "/ hello "Method = RequestMethod.GET) Public string Hello () {System.out.println (" Hello Mapping "); Return "Hello"; }  

This happens when I request a "Hello" request which tells the two controllers.
I would like to do this, user control calls only if other methods are not called.

console, when I call localhost: 8080/123:


The console, when I localhost: 8080 / hello:

  Hello Mapping  


I only want to get

  Hello Mapping  

when Call Localhost: 8080 / Hello

Who knows how it can be implemented?

Spring MVC can use the URI template pattern with regular expressions.

    • There are only digits in user login
    • Required other URLs are required at least one non-digit Character

    You can use it in your @RequestMapping :

      @RequestMapping (value = "/ {userlogin: \\ d +} ", Method = RequestMethod.GET) Public String Page (@PathVariable (" userlogin ") string user login, modelmap model) {// ...}  

    The separation URL between userlogin and the other is different than what I imagined, come to optimize it May be hone.

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