ruby on rails - Heroku Error H13 -

I'm getting this error now & amp; Since closure for the past two days, I had employed my oak to my application before I started using the unicorn later on the server as well, before it happens I sometimes get it back I can run and run using myoku run rake db: migrate then myoku restart , but it fixes it for only two hours and it's broken again This is a "webpage" Reason Error ", the logs are not very helpful, but they say that this error is occurring every time:

  [2014-10-27T21: 13: 31.675956 # 2] error -: Worker = 1 PID: 8 timeout (16s> 15s), Murder [2014-10-27 T 21: 13: 31.731646 # 14] Info -: Worker = 1 ready [2014-10-27T21: 13: 31.694690 # 2] Error -: Cutting # & lt; Process :: Status: pid 8 SIGKILL (signal 9) & gt; Worker = 1 = = error code = H13 desc = "connection closed without feedback" method = get  

I'm just using the free version of heroku, I have to make sure That works before it is upgrading but is my only option at this point?

In addition, I can run it perfectly locally using either Rail Server or Foreman Start .

Heroco Docks says:

H13 - without any response Connection closed

This error is thrown when a process in your web witch accepts a connection, but then closes the socket without writing anything.

An example where this can happen when a Unicorn web server is configured with less than 30 time time and a request has not been processed by a worker before the time expires. In this case, Unicorn closes the connection before any data is written, resulting in an H13.

Line up a couple, you have an error about the timeout after process 15:

Error -: Worker = 1 PID: 8 timeout (16s> 15s), Murder

There is a section of Heroes help:

Depending on your language, At the level, you may be able to set a timeout. An example is Ruby's Unicorn in Unicorn You can set a timeout like this in config / unicorn.rb :

timeout 15

The timer will start once processing on a rhinoceros request starts, if 15 seconds pass, the master process will send a Sigil to the worker, but no exception will be raised.

This corresponds to the error message in your log. I see it
