python - Create session in openerp gtk-client 6.0 -

Hi, I'm currently using Opener P 6.0 (GTK-Client)

Have any idea how to create a session for GTK-Client in OpenProt 6.0? Because of what I want to do, I want to rollback the whole process because the server lost the connection to the server.

I have already tried handling some errors like:

  • IOError for broken pipes and connections reset
  • socket.error < / Li>
  • rpcsession
  • etc.
  • But all of them were not working This is why I think of creating a session for GTK-Client

    Do you think that it is possible to create session for GTK-Client in OpenProt 6.0? If not, do you have any ideas to lose a lost connection?

    I'm also working on this problem, I'm working on Opera 5.0 5.0 . I have done it on the client side, it worked correctly. The file in the link below is where I made my modifications.

    Just change it to your customers' code. I hope that there will be no difference between client versions of 5 and 6. I am currently trying it on the server as soon as I am done, I will post a reply
