c# - Difference Between MD4 and MD5 encryption -

During coding, I have used both MD4 and MD5 encryption techniques. But there is no clear security difference between any of them. And yet, most of them prefer MD5, actually specify it MD5:

  System.Text.UTF8Encoding UTF8 = New System. Text.UTF8Encoding (); MD5CryptoServiceProvider HashProvider = New MD5CryptoServiceProvider (); Byte [] TDESKey = Faucet; TDESKey = Hash Provider Compat hash (UTF8.GetBytes ("CXPUB001")); // ASYNC Private Key Data Data Encryption for // Data Encryption TripleDyScripto Service Provider TDS Algorithm = New TripleDryScripto Service Provider (); TDESAlgorithm.Key = TDESKey; // SENDER key attached TDesAlgorithm.Mode = CipherMode.ECB; TDESAlgorithm.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7; Byte [] DataType = UTF8.GetBytes (Message);  

So, what is the security, intelligence between using MD4 and MD5?

Both MD4 & amp; There are no MD5 encryption, they are a hash function that produces 128-bit hash values. If you need encryption, use a proper encryption technique

and to add the "security" aspect of MD5, it has been declared as a non-use due to many weaknesses As a result and worst situation, using the Rainbow tables, back the ciphertex back in its original values. If you need a hashing, use
