angularjs - ngRepeat seems to use a random order instead of order given -

I have a Jason in which there are items that arise from my symphony controller.

I need a loop on objects like


I do this in my app control

  $ = {{curriculum | Serialize ('Jason', serialization_context (). Set group (['identity', 'coursing', 'portal overview'])). raw }};  

The order is okay when I check scope variable 'course' with the ng-inspection browser plugin


But then The loop looks kinda random The last item is kept after the other child.

Any thoughts? Need more information, just ask Thanks!

OK, it seems that angular objects ng-repeat. I changed object objects into an array of objects and the objects were provided in the correct order.

  var arrCourses = []; $ .each ($, function (index, obje) {arrCourses.push (obj);}); $ = arrCourses;  
