excel - Paste values using vba -

I have a code that selects all the data in a specific sheet in Workbook A (code 'FN' ) And copies it into a specific sheet in the workbook. I want to do only the paste values, that is, to paste / change the values ​​of the table in the previous sheet / pasting the values ​​copied from the copy sheet. My code -

  CopySheet = copyBook.Sheets (fn) 'Set digit for sheet in raw data file Set up pastebook = This workbook' sets the file where we want to paste the form of a template to file the file. Displayelter = wrong set pestusset = pastebook Sheets ("Transaction") 'LastRow = copySheet.Cells (Rows.Count, 1) on the transaction sheet-to-point template. End (XLEEP). ' The last line copies the raw data in the tape / sheet on the raw data file 'tape / sheet'. Active Apps Screenspace = Fall column = 1 to line = 2 for line = 2 for line = 2 previous CP = copy sheet. Seals (row, call (PR + 211, column) value = CP Next Next Application Screentapping = Right Copybook Close the raw data file if  

Note - I actually I prefer to make a slight change to the above code, do not make another code completely!

  cp = copulate.cases (row, column) pastestate seals (row + 211, column). Value = CP  


  copySheet.Cells (row, column). Paste the paste, select Seals (line + 211, column). Paste Special Paste: = XLPistAvalues ​​Application.CutCopyMode = Incorrect  

The application.Cutcopy mode is being set to false, only takes your program out of Copy Mode.
