c - Why does freeing a pointer cause program to abort? -

I am working with function pointer and strokes for a private project.

I have the following code (except for import):


  typedef int (* intFunction) (int, int); Typedef Structure {int value; IntFunction func; } ValueFunc; Int addInts (int a, int b) {return a + b; } Int main () {ValueFunc vf; Vf.value = 3; Vf.func = and addInts; Int y = vf.func (vf.value, 4); Printf ("% i", y); Free (vf.func); Return 0; }  

If someone can explain why this is happening, then I highly appreciate it.

You only need free which is dynamically allocated (For example, by using calloc , malloc or any work from that family).

You have never allocated memory, so you do not need to free them. And for a free function a random indicator is passing, it will misbehave.
