ruby - Controller monkey patch in initializer gets lost when rails reloads classes -

I am trying to add parameter wrapping to I initializers / wrap_parameters.rb I add the following bit:

  Rails.application.config.after_initialize DeviseController.class_eval Do wrap_parameters: user, format: [: json] end and  

this works when the application starts, but B. I am modifying one of my controller classes, wrapping the parameter immediately stops working as if the controller class was reloaded without the above patch.

How to make my monkey patch consistent?


I had a similar problem that was trying to first portpatch code That was loading in the lazy rail. I was able to correct my patch by wrapping it in a module, then editing the module in the class that you are editing. There will be something inside a new file in config / initializers:

  Module MyDeviseDecorator wrap_parameters: User, Format: [: json] End class DeviseController & lt; Devise.parent_controller.Constantize MyDeviseDectorator end expansion  

I have a plan class name that may be wrong, which you should match the handpatch you are trying to match. Im not 100% this method will fix your problem just as I have decided but give it a try; I would have left it as a comment, but there was no minimum representative.
