I'm a novice for Maven. I have some questions about it.
I have to make a webpad and have to prepare a war outside it. I've placed my web application under .. \ src \ main \ webapp
. And all its squares, which were under the web-IF class, I made the .. \ src \ main \ java.
and I have put the pom.xml in the root directory. There are several jars in my web-inf / lib folder, on which my collection of classes depends on it. I want to add them all to my local store, my local repository is the default folder, which I have not changed in settings.xml. So, how do I put all these jars in my local store? Just copying the jar to the local repository folder.
Should I create a folder for each jar according to my group? Am I working correctly? Or am I missing something?
Please help in advance thanks!
You can install a plugin to deploy in the Maven local repository:
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