Hiding column in jQuery dataTables -

I have a problem hiding the jQuery dataset column. I want to retrieve that column data, but I do not want it Show on display page I want to hide my column number 8 so that I can try to hide from the CSS and it gives me crashing divisions.

Getting an image + icon on the display page

down My code is for the data table and the hide class is "hideCol". True, "", "(Data: 'Ultimate 1'), {Data: 'Ultimate 2', '' Admin / getData.php", & quot; lang-js prettyprint-override & quot; {Data: 'Ultimate 3'): [10, 25], "Pagination": "Input", column: [{Data: 'Param 0'},}, {Data: 'Ultimate 4'} , {Data: 'Ultimate 5'}, {Data: 'Ultimate 6'}, {Data: 'Ultimate 7'}, FNroCollback: Function (NRO, Edata, IDISplayEndex, IDISplayExfal) {var Viewed Values = Number ($ ('TD: eq (7)', NRO) .text ()); $ ('TD: eq (7)', Nrow) .addClass ('hideCol'); If (Reports Viewed: == 0) {$ (nRow) .addClass ('Bold'); }}, "Column def": [{"visible": wrong, "target": 7}],});

Try to use this code

  Var userTable = $ ('#user'). True, "length menu": [10, 25], 'data': "data-side" is true, "server side": true, "ajax": "admin / getData.php", "responsive" 'Data': Column: [[Data: 'Param 0'], {Data: 'Poor 2'}, {Data: 'Param 2'}, {Data: 'Param 4'}, "Pagination" Ultimate 1 '},}, {Data:' param5 '}, {data:' param6 '}, {data:' param7 '}, "column defects": [{"visible": wrong, "target": [7]}],});  
