I am using Sobbler SDK 2.2 and I can not see the inner line when I have to draw a polyline.
This is the polyline code:
route.setNodes (Route Overlays Point); Route.setColor (new float [] (1f, 0f, 0f, 1f}); Route.setOutlineColor (new float [0f, 0f, 1f, 1f}); route.setLineSize (5); route.setOutlineSize (10 ); Route.setOutlineDottedPixelsSolid (10); route.setOutlineDottedPixelsSkip (1); MapView.addPolyline (route)
I am pretty sure that I saw the red line at a point (zooming / out, rotating), but I was not able to reproduce it. Any ideas?
Because nothing is better than now, I am answering my question. Adding the polyline before the formation of the hause causes the problem. So if you trigger the polyline drawing with onSurfaceCreated ()
, then everything works as expected.
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