Meteor: Could not resolve the specified constraints for this project: Unknown package -

What are the hurdles trying to solve the upside-down packages? Is it related to all versions or is it actually looking at the code that you load in packages.js with ap.use ()?

When I try to start my project, I am getting this error. I have a super-simple package file that I made with meter - package command I put all those files The packages that make up the directory that made it and moved that directory to .meteor / packages. I am trying to create a local package for now. Here is the contents of package.js in that directory:

  Package.describe ({name: 'ammap-meteor', summary: 'Mapping library pack for metair', version: ' 1.0.0 ',}); (function (api) {api.versonfrom ('mteaar 0.9.0'); apiadfiles ('ammap.js'); API.edfiles ('AMMIPIAMHRtsEsation.JS');}); Package. NonTest (function (API) {API} ('tintest'); APIUZ ('AMMAP-Meter'); API.edfiles ('AMAP-Meteer-test .JS');});  

My amm-meteor-tests.js file is empty for the moment but it exists. Would that make a difference? And I believe that you leave the git: Package.onUse () property for a local package, is that right?

OK, I was able to get that command with the previous command:

  Meteor publish - create  

So I did not succeed at creating a local package (which is still unclear) but at least I can now load the package I am
