ios - Swift: Cannot invoke 'init' with an argument list of type '($t3, NSString)' -

In the first function I do not understand what I'm doing wrong. This is an error in the line, return compileShader (GLenum (GL_VERTEX_SHADER), ShaderCode) error can not be called 'init with an argument list is'' ($ t3, NSString) '

  class ShaderHelper {class function compileVertexShader (ShaderCode: NSString) - & gt; Brightness {return compileShader (GLenum (GL_VERTEX_SHADER), ShaderCode}} class function compileShader (type: GLenum, shaderCode: NSString) - & gt; Glume {var shaderObjectId = glCreateShader (type); If (shaderObjectId == 0) {if (LoggerConfig.props.On) {println} return 0 ( "Could not create new shader!")} Var shaderStringUTF8 = shaderCode.cStringUsingEncoding (NSUTF8StringEncoding) var shaderStringLength: brightness = brightness (Int32 ( ShaderCode.length)); GlShaderSource (shaderObjectId, 1, and shaderStringUTF8, and shaderStringLength) glCompileShader (shaderObjectId) var compileStatus = GLint () glGetShaderiv (shaderObjectId, GLenum (GL_COMPILE_STATUS), and compile status) (compileStatus == 0) {if (LoggerConfig.props .On) {println (failed compilation of "shader.")} glDeleteShader (shaderObjectId) return 0} else if (compileStatus == 1) {if (LoggerConfig.props.On) {println ( "compilation successful")}} return shaderObjectId ; }  

The problem is not in compileVertexShader here but with the return of init method and CompileShader , While a GLInt returns and other returns are gluint. If you change those to match, then your error should be gone

  class ShaderHelper {class function compileVertexShader (ShaderCode: NSString) - & gt; GLuint {return compileShader (GLenum (GL_VERTEX_SHADER), shaderCode: ShaderCode)} class function compileShader (type: GLenum, shaderCode: NSString) - & gt; Glume {var shaderObjectId = glCreateShader (type); If (shaderObjectId == 0) {if (LoggerConfig.props.On) {println} return 0 ( "Could not create new shader!")} Var shaderStringUTF8 = shaderCode.cStringUsingEncoding (NSUTF8StringEncoding) var shaderStringLength: brightness = brightness (Int32 ( ShaderCode.length)); GlShaderSource (shaderObjectId, 1, and shaderStringUTF8, and shaderStringLength) glCompileShader (shaderObjectId) var compileStatus = GLint () glGetShaderiv (shaderObjectId, GLenum (GL_COMPILE_STATUS), and compile status) (compileStatus == 0) {if (LoggerConfig.props .On) {Println ("The compiler of the shader is unsuccessful."}} GlDeleteShader (shaderObjectId) Return 0} else if (LoggerConfig.props.on) {println ("compile successful")}} Return shaderObjectId ; }  

The error is not very fast while debugging. You should carefully choose the type of parameter and return type and it should be fine.
