osx - how to change window color on mac os -

Mac OS: 10.10 xcode: 6.1

I got "Default Coco Program" by Xcode. And I want to change the color of the window ... After the research, I did the following code in AppDelegate.m:

  NSWindow * myWindow; Encyclor * semi-transparenblue = [encholar color with diviscerd: 0.0 green: 0.0 blue: 1.0 alpha: 0.5]; [MyWindow setBackgroundColor: semiTransparentBlue];  

But the window color has not changed ...

1: How to change the window color on Mac OS? 2: No NSWindow in "Default Coco Program" by Xcode, why would a window get?

Thank you very much.

I tried some function ... but failed. .. extension:

  • (zero) applicationDeffish: Launching: (NSNextification *) A notification { // Enter the code here to initialize your app

    // compile the success, but the color of the window has not changed [[NSAPCTC shared episode] Key [Windo]. Background Colore = [NSCL Redclosure];

    // or the following two errors: self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor]; Self.window.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];


in your app representative Type:

  self.window.backgroundColor = [NSColor whiteColor];  
