eloquent - Laravel Event Listening -

I have a problem similar to this post:

In short, my purpose and The question is:

  1. I have a " logarcords " table in my database.
  2. My event listeners in the global php are working on the default " Users " table.
  3. I want my Event Listener my " logrecords " table.

How can I do this:

  1. Will I configure my database tables that are elf ?
  2. Should I change something in global.php ?

Thank you for your support.

-------------------- Update --------------------

I realized that in my auth.php file, the default authentication model is set as:

  'model' = & Gt; 'User'  

But I want to listen and work with both the User and Logrecord models. So when I try to listen to events in my global.php file, the liveryware is trying to work with the user model automatically. That's because I had to configure my event listeners like this:

Part of my global.php file:

  // The first example is the event :: $ UserLogRecord- & gt; User_id = $ user- ('auth.login', function ($ user) {$ userLogRecord = Logrecord :: firstOrCreate (array ('user_id' = & gt; $ user- & gt; ID) & gt; $ userLogRecord - & gt; Login_ last_at = Date ('YMD HK: I: S'); $ User Log Record-> Save ();}); // Second Example Event :: Listen ('auth.logout', function ( $ User) {$ userLogRecord = LogRecord :: First archive (array ('user_id' => $ user-> ID)); $ userLogRecord- & gt; User_id = $ user- & gt; ID; $ user People record-> logout_last_at = date ('YMD HH: I: S'); $ user Log Record-> Save ();});  

This is working for now, but I am thinking that it is a good idea to edit my listeners like this My aim is to listen to some process with both the user and the logarcord model. It just serves my purpose, but I think I have to improve.

Any thoughts?

  class logs elaborate {secure $ table = 'log';}  < / Pre> 
