c# - Frequently update to GUI Failed on Windows Phone 8.1 -

I have an issue with wp8.1 often failing to update in GUI. I have created an empty page, and two textbox (receiver start) to display numbers and one button to trigger. The code will stop updating the GUI after about 140 times on my computer. Is this the right behavior? Am I doing it wrong? Thanks a lot!

  Private Zero Recipient Start (Object Sender, Routing Avengers E) {// AutorSet Event AutoEvent = New Auto Retset Event (Incorrect); Timer callback callback = new timer callback (addition); Timer statimer = new timer (callback, empty, 3000, 200); } Add Private Async Z (Object State) {Dispatcher.RunAsync (Core Dispatcher Priority. Normal, () = & gt; {Random R = New Random (); this.CountNumber.Text = count.ToString (); // GUI Update count ++; Var random number = R. Next (0, 300); this.info.Text = randomNumber.ToString ();}); } Private count = 1;  
