amazon web services - Rserve connection from local R client to Rserve host on AWS Server -

Currently trying to connect to an Amazon AWS server via IP address on port 6311. I have checked a daemon AWS server and it is actually calling NetState commands and listening on port 6311, but when I follow my local R client:

  c & Lt; - RS.connect (host = "xxxx")  

I get this error message:

  - can not connect to xxxx: 6311  

The RSClient is installed in the local client, we have confirmed that the Router has been installed and is running correctly on the host server.

Is there a suggestion about connecting to a remote server using this method?

You have to set the entire public DNS address as your host.

(for example)

  C & lt; - RS Connection (host = "ec2-XXXX. {Availability_zone}")  
