Typo3 Neos: How to insert a form into a template -

Is it possible to insert a form build with TYPO3.Form in a template? I have defined all the required fields in the .yaml file and want to render it directly in the template and do not include it by the backend.

I'm not sure if I understand you correctly, but in your typewrite configuration Specify nodates that will be provided on the page. I have to submit a form to a footer on all sites, here's my working configuration:


  footer Data {form = TYPO3.Noos.NodeTypes: form {formIdentifier = "minimum-contact-form"}}  


 . .. {footerData.form - & gt; F: format.raw ()} ...  

Min-contact form.AML

  Type: 'TYPO3 form : Form 'Identifier: Minimal Contact Form Label:' Minimal Contact Form '...  
