ios - viewWillTransitionToSize out of sync animation -

I have added a view as a subview in music like this

  UIWindow * CurrentWindow = [UIApplication ShareApp] .keyWindow; [Add current windowviewview: visualfactview];  

When visual transition is mentioned, this happens when I do:

  visualEffectView.frame = CGRectMake (0, 0, size .width, size.height); LabelBlurView.frame = CGRectMake (size.width / 2 -15, size.height / 2 - 80, 40, 20);  

As you can see, I am trying to show a blueview above my current view, but the problem comes when the orientation changes from portrait to my current view landscape After reshaping the main scene, my stigma view frame is resized so I have been left with a small millisecond in which I have a blur view on the right side of the screen I can see the main scene behind it (there is no stigma in covering it). The BlurView changes its frame and then spreads the entire scene to the right to cover it.

I wanted to do that the main view of the blue frame has been replaced with the same speed as if I do not end up with the visible areas and blurview always keeps covering the mainView.
