Excel, Libreoffice/Openoffice Calc: count 'right' answers -

I have a table with students' answers to 20 math problems:

 a. B C. D | E ... ... ------------ + ----- + ----- + ----- + ----- + ... no problem 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | ... ... ------------ + ----- + + ---- + +----- + ----- + ... Correct answer | 3 | 2 | A. 15 | ... ------------ + ----- + ----- + ----- + ----- + ... Student 1 | 3 | 4 | A. 12 | ... student 2 | 2 | 2 | C. 15 | ... student 3 | 3 | 2 | A. 13. ... ... 

Now a column is needed which counts 'correct' answers for each student.

I can do this as:

 = (IF (D $ 3 = D5; 1; 0)) + (if (E $ 3 = E5; 1; 0)) + (IF (F $ 3 = F5; 1; 0)) + ... 
... but this is not the best way :)

This is a typical use case for SUMPRODUCT:

  ABCDEFG1 not problem 1 2 3 4 2 Correct answer 3 2a copy Student Correct Answer 3 Student 1 3 4 A 12 2 4 Student 2 2 C 15 2 5 Student 3 3 2 A 13 3 In Formula G3: = SUMPRODUCT ($ B $ 2: $ E $ 2 = $ B3: $ E3)  

If there are more problem numbers, then $ E $ 2 and $ E3 Shall be increased in the column letters.

How it works: SUMPRODUCT takes its internal functions as an array formula if $ B $ 2 = $ B3, $ C $ 2 = $ C3, $ D $ 2 = $ dependent Then $ B $ 2: $ E $ 2 = $ B3: $ E3 Matrix {TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE} D3, $ E $ 2 = $ E3

LibreOffice Or OpenOffice is TRUE 1 and FALSE is 0. Therefore SUMPRODUCT is the essence of all TRUE.

In Excel, you must first obtain the boolean value in numerical context. So Excel will have formula = SUMPRODUCT (($ B $ 2: $ E $ 2 = $ B3: $ E3) * 1) .

Formula 3 in Formula 3. Fill all the student rows for $ lines before the line # 2 ensures that there is no change in the line of the correct answer in this way.


