c# - Combine duplicate selections into a single result -

Apart from me, there is still no concrete solution to my problem.

I have 2 classes like this:

  Public category product {public product () {option = new list & lt; Options & gt; (); } Public string name {get; Set; } Get public int id { Set; } Public listing & lt; Options & gt; Option {get; Set; }} Public Class Option {Public AT Subid {Receipt; Set; } Public string aliases {get; Set; } Public Ink ListBoxID {get; Set; } Public decimal value {received; Set; } Public Bull ISEelected {get; Set; }}  

Used in the list:

  list & gt; Products & gt; Product {Received; Set; }  

Enter image details here

When a user selects a product on the left (which always happens with the same properties), this internal list & lt; Optie & gt; <4> will be loaded in 4 different ListBox , ListBoxID .

Now, if a user selects one option in 2 products, how can I use linq in a result?

e.g. 4 similar products are loaded, if the user selects the same option for 2 products, then my result will be:

2x Product 2x LookBraud 2x Olmama 2x Fitness Brodze 2x Teststest

If 2 other products have different selections, then the result may be:

2x Product 2x Ciaabata Brodze 2x Olama 2x Slug 2x Smoos

I always need load volume in product : Example: If 6 products are loaded, then my combination can be:

3x product 3x Ciabata Brodje 3x olemma 3x slugooms 3x smoss

3x product 3x some other options 1 3x some other options 2 3x some other options 3 3x some other option 4


2x product 2x some options 1 2x some options 2 2x some options 3 2x some options 4

2x product 2x some other option 1 2x some other option 2 2x some other option 3 2x some other option 4 < / Code>

2x product 2x some other options 1 2x some other options 2 2x some other option 3 2x some other option 4

This is the best explanation I can give, I hope That helps in the image.

Do you have GroupBy ?. It will group optie s with a single ID and give you the number of them.

  Products Oopsis .GroupBy (x => New {x.ListBoxID, X.Naam}). Select (x = & gt; new {ListBoxID = x.Key.ListBoxID, name = x.Key.Naam, Count = x.Count ()})  
