Local Service User Logged into Windows -

I have created a Windows service that tracks which app server a user is actually connected by load balancer.

This user logs in to the machine on that machine, then the Active Directory (AD) account on the first name, last name and e-mail (this project)

on the network There is a system where users are returning to the system with only the remote, Vista system, for some reason that the "local service" is logged in the machine, this strange and security people say that the "local service" account To log in to Windows Impossible

The user I may be logged in Windows

  ManagementScope ms = new Mandnsscop ( "\\\\. \\ root \\ cimv2"); Object query = new object ("select * from win32_computersystem"); Management object explorer explorer = new management object search (MS, query); Foreign exchange (Management object M. Gate (finder) in search) {_username = mo ["user name"]. ToString (); } // Username string [] Remove domain part from user name [=] Pars = _username.Split ('\\'); _username = usernameParts [usernameParts.Length - 1];  

This is an edge case that I can fix, or is actually a "logged in user" for this machine

Is this machine and many in Vista Users are logged in the list as "local service" one of them?
