php - Accessing xampp - dns error -

I've recently installed xampp and I'm trying to use xampp / index.php but this gives me an error about DNS:

"The server can not be found on XMPP, because DNS lookup fails. DNS is a network service that translates a website's name to its Internet address. Due to not being an Internet or misconfigured network This could be due to an unresponsive DNS server or firewall preventing Google Chrome from accessing the network. "Error code: ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED

I do not understand why this is happening I have not understood these concepts .... I really appreciate some help. thank you in advanced!

DNS is a system that changes the names of human friends (like stackoverflow. Com ) in the numerical network address.

You need to reach http: //FOO/index.php , where FOO is running on a computer web server ( The name of the software bundle has not come with the web server).

If you are running a browser and server on the same machine, it is usually localhost .
