javascript - Empty smarty variable? -

Why was Smarty variable not worth the value in my code when I was tested at nl / nl / address?


  {php} Global $ country; Global $ Lang; $ This- & gt; Allocated ('curLang', $ Lang); $ This- & gt; Allocated ('curcountry', $ country); {/ Php} {if $ curLang == "nl" & amp; Amp; ($ CurCountry == "nl" || $ curcountry == "ho")} {literal} Javascript code {/ literal} {Assign name = "test" value = "1"} {/ if} {$ curCountry} & Lt ;; - nl - & gt; {$ CurLang} & lt ;! - nl - & gt; {$ Test} & lt ;! - Empty Price - & gt;  

  / Code>  


  {assign var = "test" value = "1"} {$ test}  

Use the name = like this
