I am using plupload to upload files. It's working fine, but in the plupload window, I can press the browse button and select the file only once. If I click on the Browse button again, it does not work. I clicked before I upload button always need to be able Browse button
function FnToUploadDocs () {$ ( "# uploaderContainer") HTML (.. "& Lt; div id = \" pl_uploader \ "& Gt; To upload a file to the Document Manager, Microsoft Silverlight should be installed. & Lt; u & gt; & lt; u & gt; & lt; a href = 'http: //www.microsoft install Click on the following link to get Microsoft Silverlight & lt; / a & gt; .com / getsilverlight / / installation / Default.aspx 'target =' _ blank '& gt; Switch to a start in & lt; / u & gt; & lt; / div & gt; "); Bridesmaid uploader = $ ( "# pl_uploader") pluploadQueue ({// General Settings runtimes :. 'HTML 5, Silverlight, Flash', url: '/../Upload/UploadDocs', MAX_FILE_SIZE: '50MB', unique_names : true, flash_swf_url: '/Scripts/plupload/plupload.flash.swf', silverlight_xap_url: '/Scripts/plupload/plupload.silverlight.xap', filter: [{title: "all document files" extensions " doc, txt, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, pdf, jpg, jpeg, png "}], multipart_params: {ObjectTypeId: $ (" # hdnDocObjectType "). val (), ObjectId: $. (" # hdnDocObjectId ") Val ()}, init: {FileUploaded: function (above, file, info) {// when a file is uploaded arrayserverData = info.response.split Ended ( ','); uploadResponse = true if (jQuery.inArray ( 'success', ArrayserverData) == -1) Aploderspons = false; if (up.total.uploaded == Up.files.length) { Uploader.plice (); if (upload uploaded) {warning ("error in uploading");} and {warning ("files added successfully");}}}}}); $ ('# Pl_uploader' gt.plupload ') CSS ('z-index', '99999'); ($ Resizeable: false, closeOnEscape: false, status: [0, 0], Model: true, width: 500, height: 352, stop: function (event, ui) {{resizable: // clear the previous files and details $ (".fillog") .HTML (""); if ($ ("# ifUploaded"). Val () == "true") {$ ("# ifUploaded"). Val ("false");} $ ("# Uploader Container"). Html (""); $ ("# dialog-upload") dialog ("deleted"); return;}}); $ (".ui-dialog-titlebar-close") CSS ("Display", "None"); }
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