I have wso2emm version 1.1.0 installed on Linux CentOS 6.5 with a different MySQL DB server. Everything seems to work well: I can create users, send invitations, installed Android Agent and user's devices are enrolled. I can upload an Android app (I am not currently testing iOS) and posted them on devices. The problem occurs when I connect to "Mobile Management Console": When I click on Tab App Management and then on a special app this query returns mysql
- Connection ID: 47 - User: wso2carbon - Host: Local Host: 34,879 - DB: WSO2_EMM_DB - Command: Query - Time: 208 - State: Sending data
select out_table.id, out_table .user_id, out_table.device_id, out_table.received_data, devices.platform_id out_table, devices where out_table.`feature_code` = '502A' and out_table.sta Subscribe to notifications in tus` = 'r' and out_table.`tenant_id` = 1 and out_table. In the `id` (select max (inner_table.`id`) where inner_table.`feature_code` = '502A' and inner_table `Status` = 'R' and out_table.device_id = inner_table.device_id from notification in the form of inner_table) and devices .id = out_table.device_id and devices.platform_id = 1 and` received_data` do not like '% renelco.hellorenelco%' < / Code>
Then, no result wso2emm (list roles or those receiving by nof) and app
I tried several things
- < Li> killing of my query / session session
- Stop / Un: Start MySQL.
- Stopping / resume wso2emm server
- restart entire Linux server
but nothing has fixed the problem . It seems that the DB is blocking some queries on the server but what I am not getting any help would be appreciated ... Best Regards
This is not a permanent solution, but this is an action that will not work unless someone gets better.
Back up database files in EMM_HOME / repository / database on a regular basis; And then when the problem occurs, overwrite the WSO2EMM_DB.h2.db file with the service closed WSO2EMM_DB.h2.db file and created the latest backup.
Some are stacking to get overinflated in some way. It happened with me tonight, and the bad file had the size of 49,016 KB, while the last time I made the good file I made was 4,872 KB. This is a very important difference.
Edit: I'm running the server without making any changes and without monitoring the WSO2EMM_DB.h2.db file. It seems that every hour is about 2 megabytes of size. First of all, I thought it was not able to achieve the size at a steady rate but rather every hour, but later I found it to be real Grows fast in
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