javascript - Firebase Simple Login and Twitter API access -

I am trying to authenticate the user with twitter oath and firebus simple login plugin (). Authentication and login work perfectly but after the problems I try to gain access to Twitter API after this. I want to get some tweets from twitter but the only response to all my requests is that XMLHttpRequest is from your domain, local host. Can not load or firebase ...

I can use jQuery method $ Get , along with $ GetJSON

  $ GetJSON ("", {}, function (data) {console.log (data););  

In the Callback URL in Twitter application settings, I've added each status url: domain, localhost, and firebase callback url. Anyone knows this problem, any firebase and firebase were trying to get tweets using simple logins, can anybody help? Very thx from the top.

Firebase simple login has been disliked.

If you did not do this, then you should set up your Twitter app.

This will move you step by step to allow users to be certified from Twitter.
