I'm trying to get the top and left margin of a textview that gave me a hardcode margin
Why am I doing this? Because I want to loop through all the text scenes that I have placed under this text view, so that I will add radioactive groups on these exact margin of programmatic.
textView [0] = new text view (context); RelativeLayoutParams = New Relative Layout Layout side (relative layout layout paragraph WRAP_CONTENT, relative layout. Layoutpam. WRAP_CONTENT); TextView [0] .setId (1); // 0 to 1 textview [0] .setText (name [0] has been replaced with ID. To apply ()); RelativeLayoutParams.setMargins (24, 39, 0, 0); Int tyo = relativeLayoutParams.getTop (); // Try to get the top margin
OK, you just do it in another way Just get the layout parameter.
Relative layout. Layout: lp = (Relative Layout. LayoutParams) textView.getLayoutParams ();
Then you can use margins through global variables.
lp.topMargin lp.leftMargin lp.bottomMargin lp.rightMargin
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