image processing - Difference between Low-Level and High-Level Feature Detection/ Extraction -

According to this Wikipedia article, examples of low-level algorithms are Age Detection, Corner Detection, etc.

But what are high-level algorithms?

I only received this quote from Wikipedia article:

Sometimes, when the feature is discoverable and there is a shortage of time, the use of high level algorithms Feature detection can be done to direct the phase, so that only a few parts of the image can be searched for the features.

Can you give an example of one of these high level algorithms?

There is not a clear cut definition, but in my real life, my understanding of "high level" algorithms For more information about how to categorize objects, for low-level feature detection algorithms, they are mostly worried about finding similar points between images, or searching for things that are at least even at the lowest level Can be classified at an interesting level - You can search the edges or lines in pictures (besides finding interesting points of course). Apart from this, I also consider anything related to pixel intensity or colors directly at lower-level.

High-level algorithms are mostly in the field of machine learning. These algorithms are entirely concerned with the interpretation or classification of a scene. Classification like body, face detection, classification of human actions, detection of objects and recognition and so on. These algorithms are concerned with training any system to train or classify a category, then you provide it some unknown input that has never been seen before and its job is to determine whether the view Find out the area of ​​interest, or where it is found, an action that is trained to see the system. This later fact is probably referring to Wikipedia article. You will have some kind of pre-processing phase, where you have some high-level system, which determines the key areas of the scene where something important is happening. Then you will apply the algorithm to detect low-level feature in this localized area.

A great high level computer vision workshop that talks about all this, and you can find the slide and code examples here:

Good luck!
