directory - How to create Subdirectories using Windows Command Line? -

How do I create a directory with four sub-directories? I am having trouble with this question for a laboratory.

What would you command to create the following directory structure on the hard drive: Create directory programs in the root. In the Programs directory, four subdirectories are generated which are called Adobe, Email, Graphics and MSOffice. Two user directories are created in the first three subdirectories: In the personal and guest MSOffice subdirectories, there are two subdirectories called Word and Excel. Include printout of tree view drawing or directory structure.

I know that to create a directory, you can not

  mkdir \ programs  

but I'm not sure That's how you even start.

Start with the external directory ( md and makedir is the same thing, and both works on Windows.)

  md \ programs  

Now make the next level (repeat for each ):

  md \ programs \ adobe  

Next Level:
