I'm just being used in case. Once the form and slang is suspended, the standard way of restoring the navigation stack / finding (as if the device is rotated)
I am using MAVVM with XMERM.Form .Labs stuff, then I can get an IXFormsApp, and I can trigger it to start again, but I could not understand it What does it mean to restore the navigation stack in your app?
For example, if I have my homeview and homeview model, which has a list view of items, a person clicks the list view item and navigates to my item view and supported model. The user will rotate the screen - how do I restore them where they were?
Can anyone tell me in the right direction?
It turns out that Its current answer as Xamarin.Forms 1.2 (and maybe 1.3) is to add the following changes to your Android activity
where your main activity looks like this:
Whether you have the screen size or orientation on Android No need to delete and restore your activity during the change:
[activity (label = "name"), main Lenin = true, theme = "@Android: style / Theme. Halo. Light ", Configuration changes = Configuration changes. Screensis | Configing changelog orientation]] Public class Main Activity: XFormsApplicationDroid {...} Xamarin.Forms your own Some degree orient in layout Pension changes will handle.
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