With EF6, I understand that all EF related classes have been moved to EntityFramework.dll. I see the following code that is using the DbContext class
Namespace ConsoleApplication1 {using the system; Using System.Data.Entity; Using System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure; Public partial class MyDataModel: DbContext {Public MyDataModel (): Base ("name = MyDataModel") {} Safe Override Zero OnModelCreating {DbModelbuilder Modalbilder} {New UnintentionalCodeFirstException (); }
This DbContext class is defined in System.Data.Entity, but in the context in the project, the section System.Data.Entity.dll has no reference. Two questions
- Does this mean that EF still has system dependence? Data.Entity
- Why the system has no context in this case. Data.Entity.dll In this case
system. Data. Definition is part of EF6 .
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